Wednesday, March 30, 2011


We all live life together. With our friends and family. Those close ones who we care oh so much about. The ones we make sacrifices for. Sacrifices we make because we feel like they make us better people. Because we think they demonstrate how much we care. Because they'll benefit someone we care about. But there's a limit to these sacrifices, because sometimes, as selfish as it sounds, you have to think of yourself before others. In Theory of Knowledge, we discussed how regardless of what you think your intentions are, they are always based around self-interest. For example, as much as people want to believe they engage in community service in order to help improve the lives of the less fortunate, the reality is that doing community service makes people feel better about themselves because it makes them feel like greater beings. Similarly, sometimes we make sacrifices because we believe it'll make us better people. But the fact of the matter is, if it is regarding something that matters, you're either making a sacrifice because you want to be appreciated or because you value the other person significantly. Yet sometimes, it's really just not worth it. There's a permeable border regarding making sacrifices because often times it's not beneficial to sacrifice your desires for other peoples' satisfaction. I suppose I'm the last one that can be talking since I often times put others before myself to make things work out for them. But it's time I realize that the benefits of sacrificing my happiness isn't worth the opportunity cost. When you start sacrificing yourself for others, you can't discover yourself, you're not making memories, and you're bound to have regrets. Just remember that you have one life to live and you never know what's going to happen next. So stand up for yourself and live it in a way you won't regret; in a way that "what if.." isn't even a question. And most importantly, live for yourself, not for others.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Nothing New You ask?

Why can't I write anymore. Or convince myself to post when I do?
I don't want to be judged.
I shouldn't care.
But I do.

Yeah Buddy Rollin Like A Big Shot