Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The God of Small Things
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Please Vote!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The Senioritis I Don't Have
The epidemic that spreads around and eventually overtakes everyone at least once in their lives. The disease that hinders progression. The one that changes lifestyles. The one that takes control of mind, body, and soul little-by-little until one no longer has the willpower do anything other than what it wants one to. Its influence is so prominent and destructive that some doubt such a thing could exist; they say it's a hoax— an excuse. Others, those currently handicapped, beg to differ. This overbearingly controlling monster is none other than our pal, Senioritis.
While some battle a severe case of STDs (Senior Transmitted Disease), others are more fortunate to only be struck by ASS (Acquired Senior Syndrome). I'm sorry to say but those with STDs are far beyond repair and will not be checking back in anytime soon. Now those with ASS seem to be somewhat curable. Though the condition doesn't seem to fully disappear, the symptoms do dwindle for periods of time— long enough time to knock out a few assessments.
Now the question is, which case do I have? How much drive and motivation am I capable of releasing in these last few months? Well the truth is, it hasn't really hit me yet. Don't get me wrong, I'm ready to be done like everyone else. However, I still have my game on. While many were up late writing the lit paper for Mrs. Smith, the physics IA for Osinski, and the history paper for Dr. Wannamaker, I finished days prior and slept. It's like I'm drawn and addicted to productivity— starting work during free time between classes, going to the IB lab during lunch, etc. Honestly, I love the feeling of being on top of my game. My only hope is that this productivity and motivation doesn't die; the last thing I want is to uncover the burdening news of being positive with the worst possible case of STDs. But for now, Veni, Vidi, Vici.