I may be 17, but I still laughed SO HARD at this:
Some things just never get old. Speaking of getting old, I just want to give a quick shout out to my baby brother who just turned 15 last week. Okay okay maybe he's not such a baby anymore. Maybe that's the problem. The fact that he's growing up and changing so fast! Tmth.. Literally! What happened to the days when sitting in the front seat was the biggest deal? Or when I'd put you back to bed after a bad dream? And the days when the best part of Halloween was dumping out all our candy and counting how many pieces we each got? And how could I forget Mario Cart? Now that you're a freshie, I just want you to know that I know you're going to be so successful, and I'm so excited to seeyou grow during the next few years of high school. On that note, I hope you enjoyed your first time snow boarding and you have a fantastic year<3
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