Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rain, Rain, Come Again

Rain, rain go away, come again another day.
We've all heard it before, no doubt we all have at least sung it in our childhoods' at some point. But why does rain have to go away? Why does everyone always seem to moan and groan at the thought of rain? It seems as if every other person is a bit bummed on rainy mornings. Why is that so?
Yesterday at Khane (Mosque), I was asked to help teach the kindergarten class because one of their teachers was not there. The topic of the day was rain and water. It was also quite ironic that it happened to be raining that day. We discussed how although sometimes rain puts a damper to our days, it is also such a necessity. Without water, the plants and animals would be unable to live. Some people long for nothing but clean water, while us fortunate citizens are blessed with always having fresh water by the push of a button or turn of a knob. Yet we never take the time to appreciate it. Rather, we complain. We complain that it messes up our hair or ruins our plans. We complain that it tampers with our moods. In reality, some people have just made it a mindset that rain equals moody and bad day. Rain should be looked at as a blessing from above. We seem often times to forget that rain is something beyond our control and not just another part of our daily lives. I myself love the rain. I love watching thunderstorms and lightening. Falling asleep while listening to the steady, heavy downfall of rain while being wrapped in a nice blanket always seems to bring the best sleep. It's just so serene. Rain can bring upon so many emotions; there's some sort of soothing concept attached to rain, yet at times it brings upon a more hectic and exciting atmosphere. Either way, rain should simply be embraced. Running through the rain and carelessly dancing through it can be so much fun when you just let yourself free to enjoy your surroundings and alter your mindset to see it as a positive aspect.
Recently, it seems as if it rains on big events, events with prior anticipation. The day of my first (and second) Majalas, the day of my Sixteenth Birthday Party, the day of Cross Country Time Trials, and the list goes on. I remember wondering, on each of these occasions "oh mann, why does it have to rain today of all days?!". I remember questioning the outcome of the events because of the rain. But now that I think about it, maybe it's no coincidence, and maybe it's no punishment. Maybe it's God's way of saying good luck? Maybe it's a mini blessing. Or maybe I'm over-analyzing it. Regardless, I still believe rain is beautiful and more people should learn to appreciate it rather than look down upon it. So maybe next time we see rain, we should see it through different eyes, see it as the beauty it really is.

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