Sunday, August 1, 2010

Your Attitude is in Your Hands

“Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.”
This quote is so true. Your day is only as bad as you let it be. If you're the kind of person that, cliche i know, "cries over spilled milk," you're gonna spend your time dwelling and being upset about things you can't fix. By continuing to be upset, you're preventing yourself from having a good time and are missing out on other experiences and other opportunities. I have a friend who used to say "I don't believe in bad days." I used to not agree with him because everyone has a bad day right? But the reality is, one event doesn't have to spoil your whole day. You can have a day with the occurrence of a few unpleasant events, but still have a good day by picking yourself up. By accepting what happened and moving on. It's much more effective than having a bad attitude for the rest of the day and bumming out others around you as well. Whether you realize it or not, your attitude does effect others. If you're in a bad mood because something happened to you, chances are, those around you will sense it as well. It's very likely that the bad vibe will spread around. It's one thing to put yourself in a bad mood, but it's another to negatively effect the moods of those around you as well.

"A person will be just about as happy as they make up their minds to be." -Abraham Lincoln. So train your mind to think happy. To look past imperfections. To make the most of things. Don't just sit in solitude and dwell on it and make yourself even more depressed. Think about how this negative event could be a positive thing. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Maybe this event that you currently find a bad thing will open new doors in the future. Don't let the events in your life control your attitude. You control your life by taking control of your attitude. There's so many things in this world that you can be upset about. But the choice is yours whether you want to let the bad bog down on your life, or if you want to look past it and make the most of things. Time is limited, so don't spend it dwelling on what you can't change.

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