Thursday, July 22, 2010

Media Update

This week I've definitely been at the movies wayy too much. But it's been worth it. First I'd like to say that Inception was AMAZING. It's one of those movies that makes you really think and is kind of confusing, but it's still SOO good. It reminds me of Shutter Island, except better. It keeps you hooked throughout the movie because you can't afford to not pay attention, since otherwise you'd be even more lost. If you're planning on going to the movies anytime soon, I suggest going to see Inception.

Second, Despicable Me was soo adorable! I saw it in 3D, and it was worth it. I wouldn't mind watching it again, because its so funny. Agnes is my favorite character in the movie, hands down. The yellow things are hilarious too... I wouldn't mind having one as a pet haha.

Before I go into the last movie, I'd like to say that Pretty Little Liars is getting so intense! I don't want to give anything away for those of you catching up, but I'd like to say that first of all, Jenna really creeps me out. Many people say they don't think she's really blind, but I think she is. It'd be way to much work to pretend you're blind, and it's not like she's getting anything out of it. However I do wonder why she's working so hard to protect Toby, and what his tattoo meant freedom from. Even though he looked really creepy, I was starting to like him. He was sweet. Speaking of sweet, Ezra was the best and I want him to come back! Him and Aria were the cutest couple. I guess I should leave Pretty Little Liars at that so I don't give anything else away, but I'd recommend watching it! I even know a lot of guys who are hooked onto it, which is pretty funny. And as can be seen from the poll on the left, the show is a hit!

Hayyaa! Last is Karate Kid! Karate Kid was pretty sad and kinda predictable, but there were some twists. It's sad to think there are people in the world that can be so cruel and heartless. However it's also pretty inspirational to think about the poor kid and his determination. It's not hard to get something if you really want it, you just have to be persistent. Although it was obvious that the young child would suddenly become really good at karate, you don't have to think that it happened "just because it's a movie." I used to think that kind of stuff too while watching these types of movies. However, my perception on the matter recently has changed.

A few of my friends were planning on trying out for soccer this year, and I figured it'd be fun and a great way to get in shape. The idea of playing a sport overjoyed me, because I had never been much of a sports person. Throughout my whole life, physical exercise for me was just taking a jog, or maybe a few crunches. I immediately started attending soccer conditioning and working on improving physically. As the week of tryouts rolled around, I wasn't so nervous since I figured I'd make the team. In fact, I was a bit overconfident. On the afternoon of tryouts, as I walked down to the field, I noticed so many new faces that I had not been seeing at conditioning. Faces that I knew were athletic and were sure to get in. There were many more people than I expected, and the nervousness kicked in. By the third day of tryouts it was apparent on those who were definitely in, those who had no purpose of being at tryouts anymore, and the few that were competing for the last few spots on the team. I was one who knew I didn't have any room to slack. This was the last opportunity I had. I ran my three miles with determination, not stopping to walk once. My one strategy: slow and steady wins the race. I finished as the last one recorded in the category of "High," which was working to my advantage. However, leaving the field that day, I knew I didn't make it. I felt the tears building up, thinking about how I was going to explain to my parents that all the time and effort I had put into being regular at conditioning was a waste. Later that night as I forced myself to finish the last of my homework instead of crashing into bed after the long day, I got a call from my friend. She sounded ecstatic; I could practically hear her jumping up and down on the phone. Needless of words, I knew the cause of the excitement: the lists were up. I started pulling up the site right away, before she could even say anything. Going down the lists of Varsity and JV, my heart started sinking. Halfway through, I saw it: Sehar Lalani. I shrieked with joy as me and my friend excitedly discussed the news and on who made the cut. As I hung up the phone, I knew that a change in attitude had come over me. I had never dreamed that I'd be a sporty person, but with a few months of hard work, I had done it. Sure I wasn't the best, but I had proved myself. To me, it was a major accomplishment. This excitement gave me team spirit and knowing that I had worked so hard to get to the position kept me motivated and working hard for the team. It was a great experience not only to make new friends, but also to learn time management and test my boundaries. I'm really thankful for the experience and am looking forward to it again next year. There were plenty of times even while I was on the team when I wanted to simply give up from lack of confidence. But I didn't. You can't just give up on yourself when others are relying on you. I stuck through it and improved. From now on, I know that nothing is unattainable if I put my heart into it. You just have to stick to it and not get discouraged. Even things that seem impossible can be possible, you just have to try and put forth all your effort to reach your full potential.


  1. is that picture from the game where yal used pw's kid as a prop to take pictures with?

  2. Hahah yes it is! There is nothing wrong with using little kids as props for pictures :)

  3. You called me out on my Pretty Little Liars addiction...

  4. Haha you're not the only guy JJ. I know like 10 lol

  5. lol sehar yes there is something wrong with that

  6. haha the kid enjoyed it jus as much as we did andrew snell :)
