Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ironic Ways of Life

"Isn't it ironic?
We ignore those who adore us,
adore the ones who ignore us,
love the ones that hurt us,
and hurt the ones who love us."

This quote describes many of the relationships in my life, but it also makes me wonder why relationships work in this manner. We ignore those who adore us. I don't know if that's true for everyone, but I know for me, sometimes when people seem overly clingy or want me too much, I tend to give them less of a notice. I've especially noticed this recently when new people have been getting

my number. Sometimes I notice myself prioritizing my friends subconsciously, in even the simplest ways such as opening certain people's texts first. I've been trying to change this, because I notice myself doing minute things like that, and although it's not that big of a deal, my friends should be more equal. Obviously some are closer than others, but they should all be treated with care regardless.

Adore the ones that ignore us. Soo once again, I don't know if this is just me, but for some reason, I always have an urge to talk friends who seem to always be busy. I know this is pretty lame, and probably the type of stuff you're not supposed to say outloud, but oh well. I tell myself I won't text or call until they do so first, but I seem to cave a lot. I've been getting better than this though, because as I've talked about before, I'm working on finding mediums. We can talk when you want to text me and actually want to talk, but otherwise, I'm not going to chase after you to try and keep the friendship, because friendship is supposed to be mutual and work both ways.

Love the ones who hurt us. The closer you get to someone and the longer you've known them, chances are, there's going to be some miscommunication or issues along the way. Things always seem to hurt more when it's from some one you truly care about. Think about it, which hurts more, loosing a close friend you see often or parting from someone you recently met? Hearing negative opinions and harsh words from a friend or an enemy? But although the ones close to us tend to hurt us more severely at times, we love them anyways. That's how a good relationship should work. Loving the people close to you so much, that even when you get hurt, you can look past it all. Look past it to the point that it doesn't even lessen the friendship. And infact, it makes the relationship stronger.

And hurt the ones who love us. Well this has basically already been covered, but I'd like to mention one more thing. I feel like this happens a lot within families. Families are the people that are always there for you, regardless of what happens. Many people, especially the youth, prioritize friends before family. I mean, you can't go clubbing and go crazy with your parents right? Well my answer is, so what? Friends may be fun, but family are the people you were born with. God put you with them, and there's a reason behind that. Don't just ignore it and take it for granted, because it will eventually hit you. Unfortunately for many, it doesn't happen until it's too late. Appreciate those faces you see around you everyday, don't just lock yourself up in your room and focus on living your own life. If they did that to you, you would be no where in life. So there's no reason to treat them like that. Go spend some quality time with them. Soon you'll be going off into your own life that could be hundreds of miles away. Then you won't have as many opportunities. Feeling close to your family brings a certain kind of happiness you can't find from other places. A happiness knowing that you can count on those around you, that there's always a fallback option. A happiness knowing that you can come home every night to a loving warm family. Even though every family's situation is different, and many are far from an ideal family, instead of dwelling on it and causing it to make you hate the concept of family, you have to make the best of it. I've seen so many people with family issues, so they tend to run from it. But running from your family never does any good. They're right there, and the problem remains around you. It's important to embrace it and take advantage of what you do have instead of dwell on what you don't. Parents just want to see their children happy. Believe it or not, they hate yelling at us just as much as we hate listening to it. Why not just try to prevent the arguements altogether by showing a little compassion and understanding? Go downstairs and spend even 10 minutes just asking them how their day was and if they'd like any help with anything. I'm sure they'd be grateful. Basically, don't just take family for granted and disregard their presence. Appreciate and cherish it.

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