Sunday, June 20, 2010

Let's Make a Pact

Judging. We all do it, whether we accept the claim or not. Even if it's only to the slightest degree, we are all guilty of it. But why do we do it? Characterizing according to appearances, forming opinions from gossip, or simply just not giving someone a chance because they don't seem compatable to your personality. All of these are part of human nature, but can we break away from them?

Yesterday, someone who I had been seeing around regularly for the past two years but had never once bothered talking to IMed me on facebook. We talked for a bit and joked around, and soon started texting. We clicked immediately, and I was amazed at what a cool person he was. Then I started thinking about how I could've become his friend a long time ago if I had ever bothered to try to get to know him, or even just start a conversation with him. Instead, I always brushed his presence away, which was ridiculous. Not for any particular reason, he wasn't rude or ugly or anything, he just didn't hang out with the people I usually do. Then one day, I was around one of my friends who was talking to him, which opened me up to the idea of talking to him. Soon after we started talking on facebook, we started texting, and now we're good friends.

It's silly that it took me seeing someone else talk to this person before I gave him a chance, because I should thought of it earlier. It's not that I didnt want to get to know him, I just never gave it a second thought. Get to know those around you, reguardless of who they are or what you've heard. Form your own opinions. Gossip isn't always true anyways, so why rely on it? If you wouldn't want others to judge you for your appearances or rumors, don't do it to them. It's good to build relationships with those around you; it provides a sense of comfort and an essense of satisfaction. By giving in to the human nature of judging, you could be missing out on great people. It doesn't mean you have to like every indivisual, but atleast try to get to know them. A simple "Hey," could be the start of a greatnew friendship. So it's up to you. Will you continue consciously or subconsciously judging others? Or will you break that habit by stepping out of your comfort zone at times in order to open up doors to new opportunities and friendships?

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them." -Mother Teresa

"If God can look at us in all of our sinfulness and still love and accept us, how do you think we should look at others? Look past the things that don't matter, and start seeing people with God's eyes." -Unknown

"We know nothing of the trials, sorrows, and temptations of those around us, pillows wet with sobs, of the life-tragedy that may be hidden behind a smile of the secret cares, struggles, and worries that shorten life and leave their mark in hair prematurely whitened, and a character changed and almost recreated in a few days. Let us not dare to add to the burden of another the pain of our judgement." -William George Jordan

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