Monday, June 21, 2010

Nature Awakes

Generally, I'm not much of a morning person. But the other day, I woke up at 4:00 am to go pray. Waking up early to go to pray is one exception to my usual dreading of waking up. For some reason, regardless of whether I've received 2 or 5 hours of sleep, i bolt up when I'm woken up to get ready. I'm not quite sure why, but I've noticed it every time. When I finished praying and was hanging around waiting for my parents to be ready to leave, I felt no rush to go home and sleep. I was in a state of tranquility and was comfortable in my surrounding. In the morning, everyone present is always so joyful and merry. I noticed how there was no unnecessary talk or gossip, and everyone was helpful and encouraging in even the most minute ways. It was just a great place to be. The happiness present was so contagious, I could feel myself smiling and feeling joyful as well, instead of groggy and tired.

When I got home, I decided to go for a jog since the weather was so lovely. As I ran with my music, I felt more alert and attentive than usual. Jogging is usually an activity that requires me to push myself to do. An activity that I just want to get through. However on this morning, my senses were awake. I felt the gentle breeze around me, and the sun slowly creeping up as time wore on. I heard the birds waking up and informing the world of their proximity and existence. The morning dew lay on the grass, glittering and sparkling in the sun's rays. The trees swaying and rustling. It was as if I sensed the world waking up around me. As I ran, I saw a little worm wiggling onto the sidewalk. As I ran past it, I started thinking about how life was so simple, yet so difficult at the same time for the worm. Although the worm didn't have the stress of monetary problems or school, the little worm had to fight for his own existence. The worm lived in the moment and its present survival. No worries about the future, simply current satisfaction and happiness. Top priorities are simply having a full stomach and rolling in the mud. The worm experiences everything around him, getting the most out of what the world around him has to offer. So why don't us humans, the supposed smarter creatures, do the same?

Why do we dread waking up when the world around us is so beautiful? Sure sleep feels good, but we miss out on the beauty around us; we just let it us pass by without truly experiencing all that the world has to offer. Just a simple morning walk could provide such peace throughout the day. It would help release us from all the stress of our daily lives and provide us a time to reflect. An hour or two of letting our senses do the work instead of our minds. It doesn't have to be every morning, or even very often. Maybe just once a week, or once every two weeks. But I definitely think it's a valuable experience worth having. Don't stay closed up, take advantage of the beauties right outside your doorstep.